A gentle and harmonious blend of craniosacral, myofascial and energetic therapies to hold space and promote courageous healing within the pelvic bowl. Each session is a unique alchemical process of transformation and creation to help reconnect, regulate, restore, and root into your sacred pelvic space. Together we will mindfully collaborate to address imbalances within the body + spirit and help create energy flow to promote pelvic wellness and alignment.
Internal Pelvic Healing is for women of all ages and identities and may help:
Relieve pelvic pain + strengthen pelvic floor muscles
Address + heal pelvic imbalances such as:
urinary leakage
Uterine + bladder prolapse
Chronic vaginal and bladder infections
Interstitial cystitis
Alleviate sacral, SI joint, low back, tailbone, and hip injury or pain
Relieve pain with intercourse, ovulation, or menstruation
Enhance fertility + support the fertility journey
Prepare for pregnancy
Facilitate post-partum + cesarean recovery
Assist with the transition into menopause
Improve lack of sensation, numbness, or body dissociation within the pelvis • Increase orgasm + libido + sexual health
Address pelvic trauma or abuse
Process + release stored generational + ancestral trauma
Support healing after pregnancy loss or abortion
Re-establish a root connection with self
Re-activate your creative center + re-discover your vitality + potential
Clear stagnant or blocked energy within the pelvic bowl
Honor the power of the female body
What to expect:
During our initial session, a detailed health history will be taken along with a discussion about treatment goals and expectations. We will talk through pelvic anatomy, address any questions or concerns, and dive into what to expect during our sessions together. Each session is unique and consists of gentle intra-vaginal bodywork, guided breathwork, energetic and visualization techniques, craniosacral therapy, and myofascial and trigger point release.
Things to consider:
Internal pelvic treatment is appropriate during menstruation and with an IUD device
Internal pelvic treatment is not recommended:
In patients under 18 years of age
When an active pelvic infection is present
Until at least six weeks post-partum, post-surgery, or post-radiation
During pregnancy